2003 Parkdale Culture Mosaic Festival

Gallery of Photos | More Photos | Distiguished Guests

This page has been set up in preparation for the Parkdale Culture Mosaic Festival website. 
Please return soon as there will be many more pictures and lots more information.

The festival is a celebration of Parkdale's diversity of culture.  There are at least 50 distinct cultural roots in the area, making it the most 'multi-cultural' section in North America.

The objective of the festival is to provide a vehicle for different ethnic groups to come together under one roof and showcase their rich diverse culture to the rest of Toronto. Families citywide experience Toronto's ethnic diversity through entertainment, cuisine, and wonderful arts and crafts displays. The Festival seeks to accomplish a greater feeling of pride and confidence in both participants and attendees. A portion of the proceeds assist Green Thumb Enterprises, a mental health charitable organization and Stay Alert Stay Safe, a charitable foundation that supports bereaved families who have suffered tragedies.

Click links below to access the current pages.  More will be added as the days go by.  The site is a work-in-progress.

Gallery of Photos

More Photos

Distiguished Guests

Related Links :

The Official 'H to Oh!' Band Site

Join the fun, re-live the colour!


Parkdale Festival
220 Cowan Ave
Toronto, Ontario

Or e-mail by clicking link below:


Dilorece South,
Festival Coordinator
Parkdale Cultural Festival Committee

Tel: (416) 533-1788

Please get in touch to offer comments, please email the site webmaster (me) at:
The direct email address to the festival will be added in the next few days.